I’m Back!

A pic from our spring break: my daughter tried to fly this “mini” Barbie kite on the National Mall.

Spring Break is over and my children are back in school. This means I have time to write and do the gazillion other things on my To Do list.

I hope you all enjoyed a pleasant Spring break. Here in the DC metro, spring left us and it is now summer. It’s supposed to reach 87 degrees today! Hot, hot, hot.

I don’t have a ton to say today, except that my blog will be in flux over the next couple of weeks while I work on getting Life First ready for publication. Things on my list:

  • Get my author website up and running (if you’re reading this at a later date in the future, my blog started off on WordPress, and on my todo list is to transfer it to my own website)
  • Finish the back jacket copy for Life First (I have two versions I like, but I have to pick one and edit it)
  • Set up blog tour (This is the most time consuming part, by far, because it means I have to write blogs, author interviews, etc.)
  • Contact some people to talk to for my own blog (my ramblings are not enough; I’ll be interviewing some industry folks on the blog in the near future)
  • Work on sequel. Life First is the first book in a three book series, and I have some work I need to do on the sequel, Second Life.  I write slowly, so it’s best to have some advance work done on the sequel before releasing the first book.

Well, that’s it for me today. If you are having nice weather where you are, do enjoy. If you’re not, I hope nice weather finds its way to you soon.

Much Love,



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