Blogging Schedule

ticking clockBonjour, all!  I hope all is well.

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about how to best allocate my time. And I’ve realized that I’m not able to put blogging high on the priorities list. So, I think I’m going to limit my blogging to twice a week (Tuesday and Thursday) so I have more time to work on my fiction.

If I find I just must write something current and topical, I’ll throw in an extra blog post and update my Twitter or Facebook feed with the link. However, I doubt that’s gonna happen often.

I’m not the quickest writer, and I’d like to get some of the projects I’m working on off my computer and into print, so I think limiting the blogging will help out a lot. It’s good to have a blog presence, but my main focus needs to be writing fiction.

Have a wonderful Earth Day! I plan to take my kids to the park when they finish school and enjoy this lovely earth we live on. ‘Til next time.

P.S. This week, I’m going to count this as my Tuesday post. I’ll post once more this week.


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