Review & Interviews cap party weekend

I made 45 cupcakes for the party. Used edible images as toppers.

Hope you all had a great weekend. I spent the weekend prepping for and having a birthday party for my daughter, who’s turning 7.  I love her dearly and the party was lots of fun, but 7 year olds are so full of energy, you feel exhausted after hanging out with them for a couple of hours. (If only I could siphon off half that energy, I’d be able to keep going for weeks on end)

I have a couple of things to tell you about today:

  • There’s a new review of Life First and an interview with me up at Melinda Brasher’s site. You’ll find it here: It ran yesterday, but I was partying/recovering and didn’t get a chance to post then. Thanks again to Melinda for both reading the book and hosting me.
  • Also, I’m appearing in an author interview on Lucy Pireel’s All That’s Written blog. It should be available here, having gone live at 8 am UK time (while I was sleeping). Please show some love and stop on by.
  • Finally, I’m doing my first book club Skype tonight, and in preparation for that, I added a little section for Book Clubs on the website. If you want me to attend your book club meeting, or if you have questions about using any of my books for your book club, all the info you need is in this section.

That’s it for now. Have a great day!


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