Fall, Farmers Markets and Interview Fun

This is me, with Jackie, who helps run the College Park Community Library.
This is me, with Jackie, who helps run the College Park Community Library. I’ve got both books set up on a stand, and that’s my pile of bowl of candy in between. (Photo courtesy of JM Brown )

Happy Monday. It’s the first day of Fall, so enjoy the oncoming cool weather.

It was a great weekend here. I had a reading at the Downtown College Park Farmer’s market, at the table of the College Park Community Library. It was a lot of fun, and I appreciate the folks who came out. I also appreciate the wonderful advice of Melisssa Bowersox, who wrote a great post on what to bring to these festivals. The only thing I would add is not to bring chocolate candy to outside festivals. My daughter suggested I get Kit Kats, so I got Kit Kats in an assorted bag (with M&Ms, Skittles and Starbursts), figuring we’d enjoy the leftovers. However, by the end of the day, the Kit Kats were completely melted. So, chocolate is not a great idea (M&Ms, with their candy coating, were fine).

Finally, I had an author interview run over on Judy Goodwin’s Blog, so please check that out if you’re interested.  I’ve also got a blog post running today over at Indies Unlimited.




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