Gelatinous Goo …

Just a quick note to let you know I’ll be breaking from blogging for at least the next week, maybe slightly longer. My poor right eye suffered this weekend, first with an eyelid infection, made worse by what the urgent care doctor prescribed. I now have a layer of gelatinous goo where I don’t want it, and have to squeeze in at least two unplanned appointments with the eye doctor (one this morning and a follow-up later in the week).

Due to the eye issues, I essentially got nothing done this weekend and am trying to make up ground, as I need to get some stuff done to finish up my pre-order file for the Self-Publishing Road Map.

Wish me luck. And here’s to hoping you go a lifetime without gelatinous goo in your eye (or anywhere else).

8 thoughts on “Gelatinous Goo …”

  1. That sounds so horrible. I hate having anyone messing about with my eyes! I’m allergic to sleeping pills…when I was prescribed them by my doctor I had two days of horrific hallucinations that I never wish to repeat! Hope you are back to full health soon *hugs*

    1. Thanks for the kind thoughts. I’m actually feeling better after just 24 hours on the stuff the ophthalmologist prescribed. And most important, the goo is almost completely gone! So, feeling very happy.

    1. Thanks, Charles. So right you are. My eyes are dear to me. In the future, I’m going to find an emergency ophthalmologist. General practitioners are probably fine for most urgent care needs, but never again for my eye.

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