Life First Featured on Ereader News Today!

Life First01_Life-First_darkjacketpants_reduced is being featured on e-reader news today. The book is perma-free and follows the travails of Kelsey Reed, whose government wants to take her kidney and give it to someone else. Life First is a stand-alone book, and the first in a three-book series.

The remaining two books in the series, Second Life and Third-Life: Taken, continue Kelsey’s journey, as well as that of her friend Susan. For those who like book one, books two and three are free reads for Kindle Unlimited subscribers. For those wanting to save a touch of cash on the series, a boxed set is available, too.


02_Second-Life_fitered_reduced 03_Third-Life-Taken_filtered_reduced LifeFirstBoxedSetFinal



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