My Secret Life as a Cover Hoarder

books-3348990_1920I’ve never really thought of myself as a hoarder, but as I look through my files, I feel like maybe I am. What am I hoarding? Story ideas, for sure.  Most authors have more ideas than they actually write.

About a year ago, maybe even two years now, I’d seen several popular authors mention that they start on the covers before the books are even finished, commissioning high-quality covers before they’re even done writing. They said it helped them with the writing process. I found that interesting but didn’t really do much with it, except file it in the back of my mind.

At least that’s what I thought I did with it, but something about that stuck. And I have been commissioning my covers long before the book is finished.  Recently, I’ve gotten a couple that have made me go, “Wow.” And part of me is dying to share, but the other part of me is saying, “Nah,  it’s best to just wait until it’s closer to release date.” (Or at least until I have a workable first draft.)

Now, I’m not sitting on dozens of covers. I don’t have the expense or the idea bank for that, but I did realize I’ve got four covers in my files for books that aren’t released yet, and I’m about to commission one more (also for a book that’s nowhere near done).

The good news is, having these covers is actually inspiring in the writing process. The bad news is, it’s no fun to have something you want to share, but can’t. And perhaps can’t is too strong a term. I’m an Indie. I can share whatever I want (technically), but I don’t think it’s a good idea. I’d like to firm things up before I go sharing. I am super excited about my next release, What He Deserves, especially after seeing the cover, which I adore.

So, speaking of things that have folks excited. What’s going on that’s got you excited right now?

2 thoughts on “My Secret Life as a Cover Hoarder”

    1. Yes, thinking about the cover ahead of time definitely helps. It’s sort of like writing the blurb first. It can give you a good sense of direction for the story.

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