I’m Baaack!

I feel like I'm just crawling out of a nice warm hidey hole.
I feel like I’m just crawling out of a nice warm hidey hole.

WOWSA! And no, I don’t mean the world open water swimming association (yes, that’s a real thing!) Wowsa, as in it’s been way too long since I’ve written a blog post. Almost seven months, in fact.

As such, I just wanted to say howdy and let you know that I’ll be posting to the blog more regularly — a short post every couple of weeks.

Today, I’m just getting back in the swing of things. So, saying hello. I’ve been distractingly busy the last few months as my work life got in the way of my writing life. Now, I plan to carve out a few minutes regularly to reach out, as well as to write.

Book Festival
In addition to writing, I’ll be appearing, too. I’ll make my annual stop at the College Park Book Festival next Saturday, March 23. It’s a fun, local event, so anyone who is around should definitely stop by. It’s from 1:30 to 4:30 pm at the College Park Community Center, 5051 Pierce Ave. You can find more details here. They have some children’s story times for kids, lots of authors hocking books, and freebies from various organizations (candy, pens, etc.). Definitely stop by if your local.

A silly quiz
frog-2240764_640If you’re in the mood, feel free to take my silly quiz. They’re questions that won’t change the world, but whose answers might amuse me. I won’t be doing a quiz regularly here on the blog, but it is something I’m doing as part of my monthly newsletter. Since I just got back into the swing of things with the newsletter, I thought I’d mention it here in case anyone wanted to subscribe.

Also, and as I look at the little frog there, I realize it’s St. Patrick’s Day, so happy day to all those who celebrate. As one of my former teachers used to say in the lead up to St. Patty’s, “There are two kinds of people in this world: those who are Irish and those who wish they were Irish.”  However, I discovered he was wrong, as someone recently told me, “On St. Patrick’s Day, everyone is Irish.” That’s certainly a nicer way to think of it.



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