Finding gratitude in a miserable year.

It’s almost Thanksgiving here in the U.S., which means many folks will be thinking about the things they have to be thankful for. In a normal year, that’s an easy task for many. In a year like 2020, one filled with a global pandemic that has sickened millions, killed a quarter of a million, and forced tens of millions out of work, that may be a tougher order.

That doesn’t mean we’re not up to the task, though.

2020 has been brutal. But, luckily, so many of us are resilient. So many of us have found a way to survive it. Some have even thrived in it. For all those folks who have made it through and can find something to be thankful for, kudos to you.

For those who have had a hellish year and see only the losses, only the things that have been taken from you, only the negativity, I hear you. It has been too much, in so many instances. Much too much. A well of darkness. While that is true, try to remember that it ain’t over until it’s over. There is still the better part of a month left in 2020, and in that, there is hope. It is why we read stories and why we love them: because there is always hope.

And stories are art imitating life, not the reverse. This darkness that has felt encompassing can pass. Will pass. Light will come back. We just have to give it some time. And lean on those we love in the mean time.

I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.

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