I Can Now Say These Books Are Out of This World


It’s been a long time since I’ve written, but I did want to take a moment to fill you in on a project I just became involved in. I’m a participant in Writers on the Moon, a project that sends a time capsule of independent authors’ work to the moon (yes, the one up in the sky). The project is spearheaded by author Susan Kaye Quinn. She is a rocket scientist, as well as an author, and thinks the archaeologists of the future will find our works worth exploring. (And perhaps even, if there is extraterrestrial life out there today, they’ll enjoy our stories).

As such, I secured a 20MB slot to send my work to the moon. It is super exciting because explorers and archaeologists of the future will have the opportunity to see the works of authors in a variety of genres from our time.

Another very awesome thing that I got to do was include stowaways. That means I could include other people’s work in my 20MB. I was able to include several author friends, as well as some nonauthor friends, and a piece from my journalism writing.

I’m very excited about the work being launched to the moon. We created a “ReadMe” file that talks about the work that is included. That will be on the Writers on the Moon website shortly. I don’t want to be duplicative, but I will probably post my ReadMe file here on my blog in a few days, as well.

I think it’s super cool to be able to go to the moon and include writing. If you were going to include something to go to the moon, what would you put in your capsule?


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