Checking Out Wattpad

Today, you get one of the rare extra posts.

I joined Wattpad today, and I must say, I’m a little lost. Trying to figure out how the communities work.

Is there a Wattpad instruction manual somewhere? I see that you can follow people and people can follow you, but I don’t see how you pick people to follow. Is it just that you see their work, like it and decide to follow them. Or is there a way to peruse people to see who might look interesting to follow. And when you follow, what exactly is it that you’re following?

I have read a couple of items on Wattpad that I enjoy, so, as far as that goes, I do like the site. I also posted a short story I wrote, As Luck Would Have It.  Though, I have no idea how people might find it other than stumbling across and deciding they want to read it.

I’m ultra curious how other people use Wattpad. What say you?

3 thoughts on “Checking Out Wattpad”

  1. I have joined so many sites like that but I’ve lost track of what they are. Wattpad sounds familiar though. I usually get so confused that I leave.

    1. Yes, there are a lot of sites out there for posting information, so it can get hard to remember. Hopefully we’ll all get the hang of the good ones.

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