The Fat Lady Has Sung

microphone-298587_1280There’s that old expression, “It ain’t over ’til the fat lady sings.”  Well, today she’s singing loud and proud for the kids. Summer is over. First day of school for the kids.

It should ostensibly mean I have more free time during the day to get stuff done. That’s good news. I feel like the summer started off pretty well, but these last couple of weeks have been a time when I’ve gotten very little done, in terms of writing. So, I’m very much looking forward to that.

Now that fall is starting in earnest (I know some people aren’t going back until after labor day, so another two weeks), any new and exciting plans? Are you looking forward to fall, or does it mean more commitments and less time to write?

5 thoughts on “The Fat Lady Has Sung”

  1. I don’t have kids, but fall always energizes me. Maybe it’s the cooler weather, or the routine that everyone around me sinks into, or the memory of September being the time of new school years and new focus. Whichever, I’m looking forward to it!

  2. No school hols here and we’re coming into Spring, lol, but still nothing big time is really changing. Oh, I get to go to the dentist next week. 😀

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