How Do You Find Your Diverse Reads?

I was searching for something on Amazon the other day and went down the recommended rabbit hole, and found a couple of fun, diverse reads that I picked up (I grabbed this adorable kid’s book, The Big Bed, and this interesting take on a fairy tale character, Cinderella is Dead).

As I happened to stumble upon these books that I ultimately ended up buying, I thought I’d check in with you folks out there and ask how you find your diverse books? Do you ask friends? Does Amazon recognize your patterns and recommend titles to you? Do you always have to search them out? For me, I often find these books with recommendations from friends. I used to see them more often perusing bookstores in person. With the pandemic, I haven’t been to that many places where I would just hang around. I shop with purpose and try to avoid exposure. I admit, I’ll be glad when we have mass vaccination and we can do more casual browsing like before.

So, how do you find your reads and what are some good ones you’ve found lately? Share in the comments.

1 thought on “How Do You Find Your Diverse Reads?”

  1. I ask friends, I ask the Twitterverse. There, I’ve discovered Tade Thompson (love his Rosewater books), NK Jemisin, and a host of others. But I’m always looking for recommendations.

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